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How does the multi-centre feature work?

Let's take a look at what the multi-centre feature can do for you, and how to go about it!

Elise Tarter avatar
Written by Elise Tarter
Updated over a week ago

The multi-centre option allows an administrator with access to multiple Digiforma accounts to share data between accounts and monitor key indicators relating to the activity of their various training centres (also Digiforma clients) in a centralised and comprehensive manner.

More specifically, this multi-centre option allows you to share items from the Library tab with your different training centres:
👉 Share a programme
👉 Share an assessment template
👉 Share an eLearning sequence

​Multi-centre also allows you to view all the sessions managed by your training centres, as well as to analyse each centre's data by tracking business performance, sales numbers and invoices.

Let's see how it works in Digiforma!

What are the advantages of using the multi-centre feature?

Creating a multi-centre offers you a cross-sectional view of the activities of your different training centres.

This ensures better management and allows you to share your training programmes in just a few clicks, and soon your document and assessment templates or even your databases as well.

It's a useful feature if you're creating a new training centre and want to reuse existing data, but it's also fast because you can keep the same Digiforma user interface.

This will be even more useful when you need to manage the data for your training centres: Everything will be done from the same page, all the figures will be available, and they can be modified and exported in Excel format. So no more multiple tables to set up to analyse your statistics!

How does it work?

To access the multi-centre feature, you must contact us through support so that we can activate the rights linked to your subscription and your profile. You will also need to tell us the name you want to give your multi-centre.

Before doing this: Make sure you have administrator-level access to all the centres in Digiforma that you would like to include.

Once the rights are activated, you will be able to access your profile and navigate from one account to another, as usual, through the account settings found at the top right corner of your menu.

Click on your logo or the name of your training centre to open the menu and click on "Change training centre."

Once inside the "Change training centre" area, simply click "Connect" to the appropriate centre.

From each account, filters will allow you to view all or part of the data from the various centres regardless of where you are. Let's take a closer look at some of the changes and how they work!

The All My Sessions tab

Once your multi-centre has been created, your filters bar will now have a "Centres" option:

Sessions will keep their classification in the Drafts, Planning in progress, Scheduled and Completed columns.

However, for the moment, it is not possible to drag and drop a session from one column to another unless you are in the account of the centre to which it belongs. This is an improvement that we have already noted.💡

When you click on "Centres," you can then choose which centres to display. Please note: Only organisations that have been added to your multi-centre by our team will be displayed:

Before the name of each session, you will notice three letters.

For UK accounts, these three letters will be taken automatically from the name of your centre.

If you have an account based in any other country (France, Italy, Spain, or Germany), you will assign these three letters yourself in the company information.

All countries will go back to the account settings menu here:

For UK accounts, here is where the three letters comes from:

For accounts based in all other countries, it will be slightly different:

Going back to the All My Sessions view, the "Administrators" filter displays all the centre managers that make up the multi-centre:

The Performance Reports Tab > Business performance tracking

The Business Performance Tracking views have a "Training centre" column that allows you to analyse all the data from all your centres and target one or more centres.

Once you have found the column, check the box and then locate the column in your dashboard. You can click and drag the column where you would like it in your display.

The table can be exported to Excel at any time, allowing you, more than ever, to closely monitor a training course, a client, a learner or a trainer across all your training centres.

Invoice tracking

To view the invoice tracking options, go to Performance Reports > Invoice tracking.

The Invoice Tracking tab works the same way, with the search bar filter and the column to add.

The Library > Programmes tab

The multi-centre feature will allow you to share your training programmes with all your training centres. It will also allow you to synchronise any changes you make to a programme, as well as share the documents attached to the programmes.

This will save you time if you need to offer the same programme in different training centres, and if you want to update the programme later: With a single click, the updates will be effective in all centres.

If you want to open a new training centre and take advantage of your existing programmes in Digiforma format, you can also use the multi-centre functionality to enrich the library of your new account!

Share a programme

Go to Library > Course programme:

To share a programme, go to the training centre account that has the original programme.

Within a programme, a dot indicates whether the programme is shared or not. There is a "Share" button among the options:

By clicking the "Share" button, you will be taken to a page where you can select the centres you wish to send the programme to by simply checking the appropriate boxes. Then, click the "Share" button to confirm the action.

You will then see a message at the top indicating that the action has been completed, but you will have to wait a bit before you can see it.

If I consult the account of another of my training centres, I find the shared programme. It also contains a sticker telling me where the programme comes from.

However, the programme is not automatically put online in the destination centre's catalogue.

Related resources, such as documents on the Learners' Portal and private documents, will also be shared. Assessments are not added automatically at the moment, but we are working on that.

Update a programme

Once shared, each centre can use it as they wish. However, if you find it necessary to update a programme at one centre, you can use synchronisation to update the programme at all centres.

To do this, after saving the changes, simply click on the "Share" button:

You can then confirm which centre you want to update the changes you made with.
You will also find the shared version number for each centre.

Changes will be applied to all selected centres. This applies to both changes within the programme and to programme-related documents that you add or remove.

The Library > Assessments tab

In the Library > Assessments tab, you can share your quizzes by clicking "Share":

It works the same way as sharing programmes: You select the centres you want to share your assessments with and click the "Share" button to start the transfer.

The Library > eLearning Sequences tab

Here you can share your content with all or part of your centres. To do this, simply select a sequence and click the "Share" button:

Please note: If a sequence containing a SCORM module or an achievement activity is shared with a centre that does not have the advanced eLearning option, then :

  • The learners at the receiving centre will be able to complete the entire sequence without being penalised. 👌

  • The receiving centre can delete the activity (SCORM or completion) from its sequence.

  • The destination centre cannot modify the activity for which it does not have rights. It will be redirected to a page presenting the feature and will be invited to contact Digiforma support for any further information.

See you in Digiforma!

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