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How to manage several accounts / different Training Institutions on Digiforma?

This article explains how to manage multiple accounts in Digiforma.

Elise Tarter avatar
Written by Elise Tarter
Updated over 7 months ago

It is possible to work on multiple Digiforma accounts with the same email address (administrator or trainer). Here are our suggestions: If your different Training Centres have different CIF Numbers, then you need to create different Digiforma accounts, associated with different subscriptions .

🙋‍♀️ 1. To invite a user to an existing subscription

In the "Settings > Access accounts" tab you can create a secondary access account with an email already used on your first account as seen below.

📩 Then send the email invitations you want by selecting the type of account for which you're creating access:

Please note: Secondary accounts have a number setup options and authorizations, I recommend this article on this subject:

**Remember: In order to connect your accounts, you must first

  1. Log in to Digiforma using the account that has been invited.

  2. Then you will click on the validation link in the email so that you can activate this new access.

After that, you will click on the top right part of your menu within Digiforma where you see your company logo or the name of your training centre:

Once the menu is open, click on the purple box with the words "Change training organisation" and you will navigate to a page which will allow you to choose the account from which you wish to work:

👉This allows you to navigate from one subscription to another with the same login and password!

✅ 2. To invite a user to a new Digiforma subscription

To create a new Digiforma subscription, separate from an existing subscription, you will first need to create a trial account. ​​👉 Create a trial account on an email address not used on Digiforma by following this link.

Initially, each Digiforma account is identified by a primary email address: This is the address of the "account owner." 👉 Then, contact us at this link to validate a subscription. After that, you will then be able to create the access accounts for this new subscription: ​👉 You can now invite your colleagues to participate in the new subscription by clicking on Settings > Access account as we have just seen.

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